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Educate. Motivate. Empower.

scioto county transition network 

This website is intended to provide users with resources and contacts to support multi-agency teams in the transition process for students with an IEP as they prepare for adulthood.  

Our Partners


South Central Ohio Educational Service Center

The South Central Ohio Educational Service Center, in New Boston, provides a variety of services for families and children with disabilities.


Scioto County Developmental Disabilities

is the product of years of grassroots labor by parents of children and adults with developmental disabilities and concerned community leaders.



State Support Team, Region 15

The state support team uses research-based practices to help you build custom solutions for your central office staff, building administrators and teachers and partners with your team to design concrete measures.


Opportunities for Ohians with Disabilities

is the State of Ohio agency that partners with Ohioans with disabilities to achieve quality employment and independence. We are also charged with making determinations on Social Security disability.

What is transition?

* Must be in place by age 14 in Ohio.

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