General Transition Resources
Eligibility and scope of services
Employment First
Employment First is a statewide initiative designed to help working-age adults with developmental disabilities explore their career options, seek jobs that fit their skills and interests, and realize full participation in the community. Launched in 2012, Employment First establishes and promotes community employment as the preferred outcome for working-age adults with developmental disabilities, as their abilities, skills and talents enrich the community and the people around them.
Many people with disabilities fear that if they go to work, they'll lose needed health care and other disability benefits. DB101 helps people with disabilities and service providers understand the connections between work and benefits. DB101 will help you make informed choices and show you how you can make work part of your plan.
Employment First
Employment First is a statewide initiative designed to help working-age adults with developmental disabilities explore their career options, seek jobs that fit their skills and interests, and realize full participation in the community. Launched in 2012, Employment First establishes and promotes community employment as the preferred outcome for working-age adults with developmental disabilities, as their abilities, skills and talents enrich the community and the people around them.
Educator Resources
This video series were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), #H235F140013. The contents of this guide do not necessarily represent the policy or reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS).
No official endorsement by the Federal Government should be inferred.